Old cars which are too expensive to repair, and thus unfit for driving, need to be scrapped. We are often asked the question “how do I scrap my car in St Albans?”. We will attempt to answer this question for you! It is a simple process, and will allow you to dispose of your old car, and use the funds to help you buy a new car.
How to Scrap Your Car in St Albans
Every year in Britain, around a million cars are scrapped. You may have reached the decision to scrap your car yourself, but you may be unsure how to go about actually scrapping the car. If that’s the case, then keep reading. Read our guide below to learn all you need to know about the scrapping process.
Regulations for Scrapping Your Car
Car scrapping is a relatively simple process. However, like all things vehicle-related, there's a little bit of paperwork involved.
There are thorough legal regulations that each car scrapped must meet. All of the regulations are in place to assist the scrapping industry operate safely, while minimising the environmental damage caused.
Many of the parts of a scrapped car are often environmentally damaging, if they are not disposed of properly.
The most important regulation is that, whether or not you’re selling your car online, it is a legal requirement that your vehicle is scrapped by an Authorised Treatment Facility (ATF).
ATF licenses are distributed by either the Environmental Agency in the UK, or the Scottish Environment Protection Agency in Scotland, and any firm that you are thinking of using must be able to demonstrate their certification to put your mind at ease. It is important to note that you’ll be prosecuted for scrapping with a non-licensed firm, so make sure you are careful about who you work with, or you could land yourself in trouble.
What Documents Do You Need to Scrap a Car?
Before beginning the scrapping process, there are some documents that you’ll need to get to scrap your car legally. They include..
- V5C registration certificate (or better known as the logbook)
- Owner manual
- Full, or part service history
- The Certificate of Destruction
When you find an ATF that agrees to scrap your car, you'll be given a Certificate of Destruction (COD). This will be given to you in 7 days or less if you’re scrapping a car, light van, or 3-wheeled automobile. Make sure you get it, as it is a legal requirement. If you don’t get it, you may still be liable for the vehicle. If it’s then subsequently not disposed of properly, you will be blamed.
However, most ATFs will let the DVLA know about the scrapping process, who will then update the vehicle’s record to ensure it is scrapped, and no longer in your ownership.
V5C Vehicle Registration Form
While the ATF and DVLA are liable for the administrative procedure for scrapping your car, it is your responsibility to finish section 9 of the V5C vehicle registration certificate, and forward this to the DVLA for processing.
Once you do this, you will receive a response letter within the month confirming receipt of the document. If you don’t receive a reply, make sure you follow it up, to double check that the vehicle’s records have been updated.
By following this procedure, it ensures the handover of the car for scrap is legal and secure.
The V5C registration form is also called the logbook, and these terms are used interchangeably.
In a small number of transactions, it is worth remembering that not every ATF will scrap your car. Some ATFs may decide to re-sell the vehicle instead of scrapping it, as it may be more economical for them to do so. This is their right to do, but they will most likely let you know if they intend to do this.
If that indeed happens, you'll have to complete section 9 of the V5C, which is better known as the “Notification of sale or transfer” section. You would then send this to the DVLA.
Missing Your V5C or Logbook for the Car Scrapping Process?
If you are unable to find your vehicle’s V5C document, you do not need to get a replacement V5C in all circumstances.
It is ok for you to inform the DVLA in writing (via letter or email), to confirm that the vehicle was sold as scrap to an ATF. If you intend to do this, here is what you should add to the letter...
Relevant personal information:
Details of the customer
The date of sale
The license number, make and model of the car
A Note on Insurance Write-Offs
If the choice of scrapping your car is taken out of your hands, then the insurance firm may decide to scrap your car for you, whether you agree with them or not.
If this happens, you'll need to complete the V5C/3 section of your registration certificate for your vehicle. This is otherwise known as the ‘Selling or transferring of your vehicle to a motor trader, insurer or dismantler’. Once you complete this, you will then send it for processing to the DVLA. There are occasions where your insurance firm may request for you to send the rest of the certificate. It is important for you to retain the yellow slip from this section of the V5C after filling it out, and keep a receipt from the ATF.
If you are looking for an ATF to scrap your car in St Albans, contact us today, and we will give you a quote to begin the scrapping process.We believe you will find our offers to be fair, and we will handle the entire scrapping process for you, to ensure you get value for money. Give us a call on 020 8049 5179, and we can answer any questions that you may have.